Pizza and healthy - hold your thoughts until you've read this. Think pizza takeaways can’t be part of a healthy diet? Well think again! It is possible to have a healthy pizza dinner that is both low in saturated fat and loaded with veggies—and even fruit! Boost the fiber content of your meal by 50% simply by using whole-wheat pizza dough, which is widely available in supermarkets (check the label and avoid those that contain trans fats). Or make our Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough, which comes together in a snap. Substituting low-fat mozzarella for regular cheese lowers saturated fat and cholesterol. Then pile on the veggies for extra fiber and nutrients. And don’t forget the fruit—pears, apples and pineapple make great toppings too!
When your order pizza takeaway, the last thing in your mind is "Is it healthy?", well it shouldn't be - you can always choose what you put on your pizza and make sure that food takeaway restaurants know about it.